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Imagining more caring futures in the city

(2005). Beasley, C., & Bacchi, C. The political limits of ‘care’ in re-imagining interconnection/community and an ethical future. Australian Feminist Studies, 20(46), 49-64.


(2008). Hudson, C., & Rönnblom, M. The woman-made city–feminist utopia or practical possibility? Utopies Féministes et Expérimentations Urbaines, 73-90.


(2009). Mee, K. A space to care, a space of care: Public housing, belonging, and care in inner Newcastle, Australia. Environment and Planning A, 41(4), 842-858.


(2011). Young, I. M. Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press.


(2012). Till, K. E. Wounded cities: Memory-work and a place-based ethics of care. Political Geography, 31(1), 3-14.


(2016). Bates, C. & Kullman, K. Afterword: Caring urban futures. In Bates, C., Imrie, R., & Kullman, K. (Eds.). Care and design: Bodies, buildings, cities (pp. 236-240). John Wiley & Sons.


(2016). Low, S., & Iveson, K. Propositions for more just urban public spaces. City, 20(1), 10-31.


(2017). Williams, M. J. Care-full justice in the city. Antipode, 49(3), 821-839


(2017). Williams, M. Searching for actually existing justice in the city. Urban Studies, 54(10), 22172231.

(2019). Kern, L. Feminist city: A field guide. Between the Lines.


(2019). Power, E. R. Assembling the capacity to care: Caring-with precarious housing. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 44(4), 763-777. 


(2020) Power, E. R., & Williams, M. J. Cities of care: A platform for urban geographical care research. Geography Compass, 14(1), e12474.


(2020). Alam, A., & Houston, D. Rethinking care as alternate infrastructure. Cities, 100, 102662


(2020). Hobart, H. I. J. K., & Kneese, T. Radical care: Survival strategies for uncertain times. Social Text, 38(1), 1-16.


(2020). Morrow, O., & Parker, B. Care, commoning and collectivity: From grand domestic revolution to urban transformation. Urban Geography, 41(4), 607-624.


(2020). Power, E. R., & Mee, K. Housing: An infrastructure of care. Housing Studies, 35(3), 484-505.


(2020). Williams, M. J. The possibility of care-full cities. Cities, 98, 102591


(2020). Wiesel, I., Steele, W., & Houston, D. Cities of care: Introduction to a special issue. Cities, 105, 1-3.


(2021). Dengler, C., & Lang, M. Commoning care: Feminist degrowth visions for a socio-ecological transformation. Feminist Economics, 1-28.


(2022). Gabauer, A., Knierbein, S., Cohen, N., Lebuhn, H., Trogal, K., Viderman, T., & Haas, T. (Eds.). Care and the City: Encounters with urban studies. Taylor & Francis.



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An ethic of care for land and community
The University of Guelph is located within the Between the Lakes Purchase Treaty Agreement, also known as Treaty 3. This is the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. Both the Anishinnabe and Haudenosaunee peoples have unique, long-standing and on-going relationships with each other in this area, underscored by care for and with the land. In this space focused on care, we acknowledge that care and interdependence have been key to the way knowledge has been practiced by Indigenous communities across so called Canada for centuries. As researchers working for social change, we are committed to taking part in 'troubling' how care has been practiced and understood in our communities and practicing care and solidarity in this area in an attentive, responsible, competent, and responsive way.
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