Everyday practices of care
(2008). Valentine, G. Living with difference: Reflections on geographies of encounter. Progress in Human Geography, 32(3), 323-337.
(2009). Horton, J., & Kraftl, P. Small acts, kind words and “not too much fuss”: Implicit activisms. Emotion, Space and Society, 2(1), 14-23.
(2013). Warner, J., Talbot, D., & Bennison, G. The cafe as affective community space: Reconceptualizing care and emotional labour in everyday life. Critical Social Policy, 33(2), 305-324.
(2015). Conradi, E. Redoing care: Societal transformation through critical practice. Ethics and Social Welfare, 9(2), 113-129.
(2015). Eales, L., & Goodwin, D. “We all carry each other, sometimes”: Care-sharing as social justice practice in integrated dance. Leisure/Loisir, 39(2), 277-298.
(2015). Fincher, R., Iveson, K., Gibson, K., & Rose, D. B. Conviviality as an ethic of care in the city. Manifesto for Living in the Anthropocene, 23-27.
(2015). Hall, T., & Smith, R. J. Care and repair and the politics of urban kindness. Sociology, 49(1), 3-18.
(2016). Hall, T. Footwork: Urban outreach and hidden lives. Pluto Press.
(2017). Pottinger, L. Planting the seeds of a quiet activism. Area, 49(2), 215-222.
(2018). Mattern, S. Maintenance and care. Places.
(2020). Bond, S., & Barth, J. Care-full and just: Making a difference through climate change adaptation. Cities, 102, 102734.
(2020). Maurer, M. Nourishing environments, caring cities: Gardening and the social reproduction of the urban environment in de-industrial Michigan. City & Society, 32(3), 716-737.
(2020). Phillips, M., & Willatt, A. Embodiment, care and practice in a community kitchen. Gender, Work & Organization, 27(2), 198-217.
(2020). The Care Collective. The care manifesto: Politics of interdependence. Verso.