The Re-imagining Care Research Space is a space to share resources, research, and reflections related to care in community and academic spaces. This site is a space where we consider how care is, and could be, practiced, across various spaces, practices, and relationships and invite others to do the same.
The development of this site was a part of Amy Kipp's preparation for her Qualifying Exams in The University of Guelph's Social Practice and Transformational Change PhD Program. Through this process, Amy attempted to 'do Qualifying Exams differently,' in a way grounded in feminist praxis and valuing different ways of knowing. This site was created as a space to share learnings from the process. After Amy completed the exam in May 2022, this has become a space where Amy, Dr. Roberta Hawkins (her advisor), and their collaborators document their work related to care and highlight the work of others.